Natasha too
 | | I'm beside new tehnologyes (3d-printer)
 | | Natasha beside Ventspils university
 | | What can to do with 3d-printer
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I'm happy that i'm here
 | | Famouse Fontaun
 | | i'm hiding
 | | Old town
Hot in old town
 | | Aaaa, i'm in sea with my tummy :)
 | | Waw! Views!
 | | Old Parlament
inside Vatican
 | | Lesha jumping
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in Vaticano
 | | Very hot
 | | beside fountaun
 | | Lesha with ice-cream
i'm beside water
 | | I'm smiling! Mad
 | | We with my son
 | | Colloseo
I'm with Lesha
 | | Son under Livan's trees
 | | Winter in Old Town's park, sept.2010.
 | | Night Baltic sea, summer 2009