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gypsum putty, grinding, the ledge integration
Jotul fireplace decoration in the process
Jotul fireplaces, tiled, painted decorative plaster
sandpit and swings
sandpit and swings
window installation, metal frame construction, after insulation and regips
wall, floor, furniture, the children's room
wall, floor, furniture, the children's room
wall painting, window installation, tiling, kitchen furniture production and installation
foundation waterproofing and insulation
foundation waterproofing and insulation
tiling, window installation
wall painting, ceiling installation
door, wall painting, floor installation and ceiling installation
tiling, plumbing. my job
door installation, tiling, plumbing. my job
floor tiling, brick wall decoration, wall and ceiling painting
tiling, plumbing. my job
door installation, tiling, plumbing. my job
I made ​​ladder

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