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Users / E / Electronics / Electronics / Phone / The product is a H3000 Quad Band Dual SIM Android 2.2 TV WIFI GPS 3.5inch Smartphone (416MHz+RAM 256MB), use MTK 6516 chip, Its Memory Nand Flash is 2GB bit ; DDR 2 GB bit (RAM 256MB+ROM256MB), There are over 80,000 software on Android Market, it support
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The product is a H3000 Quad Band Dual SIM Android 2.2 TV WIFI GPS 3.5inch Smartphone (416MHz+RAM 256MB), use MTK 6516 chip, Its Memory Nand Flash is 2GB bit ; DDR 2 GB bit (RAM 256MB+ROM256MB), There are over 80,000 software on Android Market, it support
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