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"Sunglasses at Night"
"Good night sleep, good night sleep...
"Mirror, mirror on the wall.. shut up.. I now all!
"So what?!"
"Vision - part 2"
"Ghost Flight" m/f2darkb
I now what is like to be Fr3ak ;)
"Look into the eyes of evil"
"Screaming" (Original Mix) :)))))
"Они хорошие только на фотографиях"
As U c... I like to show my middle finger 2 Ya! :)
"Маршрутка LIVE! With Burzik!"
Я... Я знаю, я добрый... )))
"Its time to go..."
"Im looking at U!"
"Evil look"
"Omg... I cut my hair :)"
"Neon me"
"My legz"
"White hair"
"No time to work"
"Happy me :))"
"Red eye"
"Toilet sessions"
"Bad mood"
"Blank screen"
"Making music" m/f2darkb

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