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Users / K / Kubera / 0- 12 m / 3-6 mesjacev 62-68 sm / zima -osenj 3-6 m / Columbia down duck feathers 3-6 mesjacevv v ocenj horosem sostojanii minimum 60 %down duck feather (puhovoj )legkij ,tonkij i teplij ,zimnij kombinezon dlina 60sm ot nozki do popi 16 sm grudj 35 sm rukav bez rukavickim23 sm 30 eu
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Columbia down duck feathers 3-6 mesjacevv v ocenj horosem sostojanii minimum 60 %down duck feather (puhovoj )legkij ,tonkij i teplij ,zimnij kombinezon dlina 60sm ot nozki do popi 16 sm grudj 35 sm rukav bez rukavickim23 sm    30 eu
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