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Users / M / Mobitel / Mob. telefoni ar 2 sim-kartēm / JC678 (ar televizoru) / 27216810.jpg
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Advertisement Pasūtot fotogrāfijas izdruku online ar iespēju izņemt Kr.Valdemāra 25 un t/c "Damme".
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 Comments  LV-1,  RU-0
Author 01/07/09 23:47 
GSM 900/1800/1900
Language:English/French/Spanish/Polish/ Portuguese/Italian/German/Russian
LCD Size: 3.0 inch, 16 million color; PX: 240×320px
Ringtone format: mp3, midi, wav, amr
Music: MP3, equalizer, bluetooth stereo output
Video: 3GP,MP4
Photo: jpg, gif
FM radio: FM stereo, play without earphone
Camera 1.3 Mega pixel; photograpy with sound by MP4
2G TF card, can extend TF card to 2G maximum
USB data cable/U disc function, bluetooth stereo play
Dual Sim (work together at the same time)
SIZE(L×W×H): 118*58*17mm
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