Latviski По-русски
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Personal exhibition­
2007/02/02­/ Riga
2007/03/02­/ Riga
2007/04/05­ Riga
2007/05/04­ Riga
2009/01/01­/ Riga
2009/11/04­ Dundee
2009/12/28­ Riga
2009/12/31­ Riga
2010/01/06­ Riga
2010/05/09­ Dundee
2010/06/03­/ St.Andrews­
2011/04/03­ Dundee Hills
2011/08/04­/ Riga
2011/10/04­/ Edinburgh
2012/04/11­ Stirling
2012/05/23­ Dundee - Tentsmuir
2012/08 Riga
2012/09/10­ Scotland
2012/10/01­ Dundee
2012/10/06­ St.Andrews­
2012/10/15­ - Lower Dens Mill
2012/11/03­ Dundee
2012/12/01­ Dundee (at the Uni)
2012/12/21­ Riga
2013/01/ Dundee
2013/06 Scotland
2013/07/26­ Riga
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