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1000 - Gothic Butterfly
1000 - Tower Bridge Neon
13200 - Creation of Man
13200 - Lahaina Vision
13200 - Sacred Love
13200 - Sive Novi Orbis Tabula
13200 - The Last Supper
1500 - Milky Way
18000 - St.Columbi­a Altarpiece­
18000 - Tropical Impression­s
18000 - Weltkarte
24000 - Life
3000 - Sistine Chapel
3000 - Typus Orbis Terrarum
3000 STEP Historical­ World Map
4000 - Birth of Venus
4000 - Mapamundi 1375
4000 - Winter, Spring, Summer
5000 - Jheronimus­ Bosch
5000 - Views of Ancient Rome
9000 - Astrologie­
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13200 - Lahaina Vision
13200 - The Last Supper
13200 - Sacred Love
13200 - Sive Novi Orbis Tabula
18000 - Weltkarte
18000 - Tropical Impressions
9000 - Astrologie
13200 - Creation of Man
24000 - Life
4000 - Mapamundi 1375
18000 - St.Columbia Altarpiece
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