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859_kora_keitbi r
860_alashir_no_ve cakiem
861_amir_no_vec akiem
862_blue_chip_a res
863_harum_rovaj at_ak-kush_orh
864_jaunzembek_ aidar
865_jaunzembek_ romber_fazo
867_omzamak_iz_ vecaki
868_t-sarmat_ja takt
868_x - 1 junior (862_861_866)
869_birindzhi_i z_klovi
870_mashkhur_iz_k lovi
870_x - 1 open
873_indzhi_bay- ottso
874_lyuter_orha n_metal
872_darhans_ak- kush_bai
872_x - 1 champion (873_874)
868_xx - 1 dog (870_872_869)
875_indzhi_ferg ana
876_neva_iz_lad ozhskogo_doma
877_tais_afi_ja takt
875_x - 1 junior (877_876)
878_harum_rovaj at_andorra_orh
879_berendey_ra ygush
881_eleila - 1 veteran
879_x - 1 bitch (875_881)
BOB_879_868_Val entina Ivanishcheva (Russia)

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