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186_bairon_zasv oi
187_bekem_gai_i z_prusskogo_kor olevstva
188_more_ljubvi _gassar-han
188 - 1 junior (189)
191_okshan_iz_k lovi - 1 intermediate (190)
190_zhahan_baltij skij
192_barhan - 1 open
194_berendey_va hit_bashi
195_bietars - 1 champion (194)
195 - 1 dog (192_191)
196_berendey_na omi - 1 junior
197_bayburi_sha ndi_basyma
198_deja - 1 intermediate (197)
200_jurga - 1 working
201_berendey_val ida
202_sokrovische_ azii_bolzhan - 1 champion (201)
202 - 1 bitch (200_198)
BOB_195_202_Tatjana Chumakina (Belarus)
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