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746_e-shahruk - exc.
747_jaunzembek_ ilbirs - v/g
748_jaunzembek_ imir - v/g
749_jaunzembek_ ishor - exc.
750_nardicum_ever est - v/g
746 - 1 junior (749)
754_nardicum_ba lu - exc.
756_zurhan_lear - exc., 1-open (754)
757_luka - exc.
758_omok_iz_vec aki - exc., 1-champion (757)
758 - 1 dog (746_757_756)
759_chole_from_ vecaki - exc.
760_jaunzembek_gu chara - exc.
761_veclachi_he ra - exc., 1-junior (760_759)
762_klemen - exc., 1-intermediate
764_argadash_me ngli - exc.
765_harum_rovaj at_andorra_orh - exc.
766_nardicum_ba hra - exc.
764 - 1 open (766_765)
767_veclachi_da naida - exc.
768_zargul - exc., 1-champion (767)
766 - 3 bitch, 761 - 4, 762 - 5
764 - 1 bitch, 768 - 2
BOB_764_758_Nor man Deschuymere (Belgium)

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