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Users / B / bboyshop / Puma / Puma Men's Shoes - Clyde Deep Blue
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Puma Men's Shoes - Clyde Deep Blue
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 Comments  LV-0,  RU-2
Author 26/08/09 23:11 
Guaranteed Authentic Puma Merchandise - Buy with confidence - Over 1700 satisfied customers.
Puma Clyde - The Clyde is probably one of the most famous and enduringly popular shoes. It was worn by the early 1970's basketball hero Walt Clyde Frazier, the shoes became incredibly popular and are sought after to this day by collectors. The Clyde became a hit as Frazier was known not only for his basketball skills, but also for being sharp dressed and smooth with the ladies off the court. The Clyde became the first non canvas basketball shoe to gain staying power as fashionable New York street wear.

* Size: US 4.5 / UK 3.5 / EUR 36 / 22.5cm Men's 4.5 = Women's 6
* Color: Imperial blue / dusty yellow
Author 26/08/09 23:11 
CENA - 26 ls
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