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Users / G / gercha / Last photos
About user
I made ​​ladder
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
door installation, tiling, plumbing. my job
 tiling, plumbing. my job
  floor tiling, brick wall decoration, wall and ceiling painting
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
door installation, tiling, plumbing. my job
 door, wall painting, floor installation and ceiling installation
 tiling, plumbing. my job
 wall painting, ceiling installation
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
foundation waterproofing and insulation
 foundation waterproofing and insulation
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Jotul fireplaces, tiled, painted decorative plaster
   wall, floor, furniture, the children's room
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
 wall painting, window installation, tiling, kitchen furniture production and installation
  wall, floor, furniture, the children's room
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
sandpit and swings
 window installation, metal frame construction, after insulation and regips
 Jotul fireplace decoration in the process
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
Heart work (hobby)
My work at the port
My work at the port
My work at the port
My work at the port
My work at the port
 Grain dryer
  Storehouse system control and weight system
My work at the port
My work at the port
My work at the port
My work at the port

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