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215/65R16, Nexen
235/60R16, Kumho
205/60R16, Michelin Energy Saver
205/55R16, Michelin Energy Saver
205/55R16, Michelin Primacy HP
205/55R16, Michelin Primacy HP
205/55R16, Pirelli P6000, 4gab / 60lvl
205/60R16, Nexen Classiro, 6-7mm, 4gab / 80lvl
215/55R16, Continental Premium Contact, jaunas
205/55R16, Good Year
205/55R16, Continental
215/55R16, Hankook
215/65R16, Hankook, 7.5mm
205/55R16, Continental
205/55R16, Michelin
205/55R16, Continental
205/55R16, Michelin
215/55R16, Good Year Excelence
195/55R16, Good Year
205/55R16, Vredstein, 8mm, 2gab / 60lvl
205/55R16, Yokohama Winter
215/55R16, Michelin Primacy HP, 2gab / 40lvl
225/60R16, Michelin+Nokia n, 4gab / 50lvl(var pa divam)
205/55R16, Master Optima, 30lvl / gab
205/55R16, Continental TS830, jaunas, 2gab / 130lvl
215/70R16, Yokohama, 8-9mm
225/55R16, Pirelli Winter Carving, 4gab

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