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Prices for a mug with a photo
Photo printing
Photo restoration
Passport photos
Film Digitization
Video Digitization
Photo studio
Photo albums
Frames for order
Photo souvenirs
Mug with photo
Print on t-shirt
Puzzle print
Print on canvas

You have the option to order a mug with your photo, choose a design and add a text.
Production time ~ 4 hours.

Mug type Price
White mug (325 мл) + print
9.00 €
Mug with colored handle () (325 мл) + print
11.00 €
Dolphin handle mug (325 мл) + print
12.25 €
Golden handle mug (325 мл) + print
12.00 €
Gray (325 мл) + print
12.00 €
(325 мл) + print NEW!
12.00 €
Upload photos

A photo for a photo souvenir can be taken at the studio at Valdemara street 25

How to order
  1. Mark the desired photos in the gallery and click the "Send to Print" button.
  2. Click the "Checkout" button.
  3. After checking the "All sizes" checkbox to the right of the list of paper sizes, select "Other -> Mug".
  4. Click on the photo for a visual design of the mug; follow further instructions.
  5. You can receive your mug in our studios or at Omniva lockers all over Latvia.
Advertisement © FOTKI.LV     Our photo salons:   Kurzemes prospekts 1a (t/c "Damme"), Kr. Valdemāra iela 25 Questions & answers