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Personal exhibition­
16 korpuss. KoRn stream!
Atbalsi savejos MP 12.09.2008­
Atkal DEPO 09.08.2008­
DEPO 01.09.2008­
DEPO 15.10.2008­
DEPO Circle pit!
Mr. Ass BD party! 24.08.2008­!
Mr.Ass birthday 24.09
Recording a new video...
Reinis BD 19.09.2008­
SNO + CLO tour in D-pils 09.05
Sno and Cloverfiel­d in D-pils!
SNO fotosessio­n by KWA 17.05!!
SNO in Klaipeda!!­ 17.01.2009­
Sno in Saksafon 29.08.2008­
Snobrand in Liepaja 01.08.2008­
Snobrand in Sigulda
TOUR IN REZEKNE 24.04.2009­
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