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Photo specifications for printing in the laboratory
File parameters.
  • The appropriate file types are .JPG, .JPEG, .BMP, .PNG archives containing this format (ZIP, RAR); RAW and TIFF formats are not supported;
  • size of a single photo for printing:
    - maximum 16 Mb without saving to an account;
    - maximum 24 Mb from the accounts gallery (daily limit is 1 Gb);
  • sRGB colour model;
    If another colour model is used which is not suitable for laboratory printing, such as Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB, this will result in unsaturated and faded colours;
Image size and resolution.

For the best quality printing, take these parameters into consideration:
Print size, cm Actual print size, mm File size Print size with resolution 300 dpi Minimum acceptable resolution at 200 dpi
9×13 85×127 ~1.8 Mb
1004×1500 669×1000
10×15 102×152 ~2 Mb
1205×1795 803×1197
12×15 114×152 ~2 Mb
1346×1795 898×1197
13×18 127×178 ~2.5 Mb
1500×2102 1000×1402
15×20 152×201 ~3 Mb
1795×2374 1197×1583
15×21 152×210 ~3 Mb
1795×2480 1197×1654
15×22.5 152×225 ~3 Mb
1795×2657 1197×1772
20×30 201×305 ~4 Mb
2374×3602 1583×2402
21×30 210×305 ~4 Mb
2480×3602 1654×2402
23×30 228×305 ~4 Mb
2693×3602 1795×2402
30×40 303×400 ~6 Mb
3579×4724 2386×3150
30×45 303×450 ~6.5 Mb
3579×5315 2386×3543
30×60 303×600 ~8 Mb
3579×7087 2386×4724
30×90 303×900 ~10 Mb
3579×10630 2386×7087

Note the technically possible crop of 1-2 mm on each side of the image.
It is not recommended to place lettering, framing and important details of the image close to the edge as it is likely to be cropped.

If the aspect ratio of the photograph differs from the aspect ratio of the print size you have chosen, then the image should be framed in the chosen orientation or you should choose a different size that fits your photo.
Auto crop framing options
no cropping original size

Suggested sizes.
3:4 - from digital cameras: 12×15, 15×20, 15×21, 23×30, 30×40
2:3 - from SLR cameras: 9×13, 10×15, 13×18, 15×22.5, 20×30, 21×30, 30×45

Colour correction.

When making printouts of photos, the operator corrects the colour schemes without significantly affecting the original.

Monitor calibration.

To obtain the correct colours on your computer monitor with the printed image, it is recommended to order a test photo without correction and then adjust the colour and brilliance on your monitor.
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