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Flying Touch II 10 inch Google Android 2.1 iMAP info X220 /1GMHz GPS 3G HDMI WIFI MID Tablet PC
The product is a 10 inch Google Android 2.1 GPS MID Tablet PC, You will be able to surf the internet via built-in Wi-Fi certified network or external 3G network card, it support TF card expand to 32GB
A8 7inch 8803 Telechips Cortex-A8 1GHz 512M 4G HDD Android 2.3 WIFI 3G Camera With HDMI Tablet PC
The product is A8 7inch 8803 Telechips Cortex-A8 1GHz 512M 4G HDD Android 2.3 WIFI 3G Camera With HDMI Tablet PC, it supports WIFI and external 3G network.
9.7 inch Touch Screen TFT LCD Google Android 2.2 VIA WM8650/800MHz Tablet PC with WIFI/ Camera ( Support Flash 10.1)
The product is a 9.7 inch Touch Screen TFT LCD Google Android 2.2 VIA WM8650/800MHz Tablet PC with WIFI/ Camera ( Support Flash 10.1), please refer to the below details
Reklāma © FOTKI.LV     Mūsu fotosaloni:   Kurzemes prospekts 1a (t/c "Damme"), Kr. Valdemāra iela 25 Jautājumi un atbildes