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Grote Markt
Grote Markt and Stadhuis
Groningen from Martini tower
Groningen North-West from Martini tower
Groningen North from Martini tower
Back side of Martini tower
Blauwe zaal in the Groningen University
Students resting room at the Groningen University
Bicycles - usual vehicles in the Netherlands
The contrasts of arhitecture
Bicycles near the Academy building
Poor trees...
A lovely, small house in the center of Groningen
A pastoral inner yard in the center of the city?!
View to the Martini tower
What a beautiful night club...
Need some marijuana?
The spring near the Martini tower...
Greg - our guide...
Goose house...
The feeder...
Watch, birds raid!!!
Fat goose
My house ;)
Our bikes in the front of the door
House of the Gas Union
Winter on my bicycle ;)
Night of black and white
The same street but different colours
Winter in the Noorder Plantsoen
Tea house
Fortification mound
The panorama view - South Groningen
Fish market
Clearing away the market place...
Some leftovers from market
In the Stadspark...

Nosūtīt izdrukai

Reklāma © FOTKI.LV     Mūsu fotosaloni:   Kurzemes prospekts 1a (t/c "Damme"), Kr. Valdemāra iela 25 Jautājumi un atbildes