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Lietotāji / Z / zanzibara / Personālā izstāde / Zanzibara workaway summer 2011
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stuffed with pizzas and happy
Agate performing
Dani & Cecilia enjoys Agate's tricks
Cecilia & Vitas - goodbyes
Dani and Vitas - goodbyes
Dani & Cecilia just before leaving
putting benches on a beach
f ... g heavy
volley "potatoes"
Pietro looking awesome with midsummer crown
taking shots with a new friends
testing new table. Latvia vs China
China serves
Hannah & Jagoda cleaning a pound
Simon busy
BBQ with couchsurfers
Jagoda from Poland
Hannah and her fantastic guitar
Miks has to try this!
Jagoda obviously have fun painting
no jokes here!
Vitas and Simon installing fence
hello, my name is Vitas!
Chineese dumplings by today's chef Simon
Hannah stuffing
dumplings to come!
Monster Miks attack
children playground in Zanzibara
children palyground - different angle
campsite area - having first guests
outdoor kitchen - almost finished
outdor kitchen & toilet
Simon and Miks
Friends - Hannah (UK) and Jagoda (Poland)
Dish washing
another view of the playground
even a volley field we have
behind-the pond-view
Inga making crafts with children

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Reklāma © FOTKI.LV     Mūsu fotosaloni:   Kurzemes prospekts 1a (t/c "Damme"), Kr. Valdemāra iela 25 Jautājumi un atbildes